
Growth & Current Trends in the MDM Market

What’s the market climate looking like?

A growing sector, the Mobile Device Management (MDM) space is expected to grow exponentially in the near future. With the outbreak of the pandemic, MDM solutions have proven their importance. A few of the primary functions offered include – remote access, data encryption, data loss prevention, root detection, security analysis, and much more.

Market trends to anticipate.

Beating the competition and reducing costs highly involves the incorporation of MDM in cross-organisational collaboration and enhanced automation. Some of the key trends to look forward to in 2021 include the following top 6 insights.

While the majority of the organisations will begin to focus on master data governance and master data quality, there will be a much higher rate of adoption of MDM in integrating more systems. MDM will also help supervise employees and streamline their compliance more effectively as we are racing towards a digital workspace.

There will be growth in MDM adoption in multiple domains, changing people’s approach toward MDM. There will be a significant change in terms of driving business intelligence using MDM. It will play a crucial role in synergising with other domains like artificial intelligence or machine learning space.

To sum it up,

  • There will be more focus on master data quality
  • Organisations will begin rethinking master data governance
  • There will be more inclination towards automation
  • Cloud service will be driven by MDM
  • AI will be incorporated along with MDM
  • MDM will be synergised with machine learning
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What are the challenges stunting the growth of the sector?

BYOD or bring your own device is the process of relying on personal mobile devices, without prior knowledge about the MDM tools that can be incorporated. This results in the rapid expansion of mobile devices as the essential device in every organisation, globally.

Moreover, the reduced use of MDM in organisations increases the risk of compliance deficiency and reduces supervision. Users don’t yet have a comprehensive idea about the importance of MDM and hence the sector faces increased nonchalance, which is subsiding in the new climate.

Competition in the sector.

Some of the leading players include,

  • Cisco
  • SAP SE
  • Kaspersky Lab Inc
  • IBM Corporation 
  • Broadcom Inc.


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